Teacher’s Pet

High school teacher crosses a line. What was she THINKING?

A Teacher, Her Student, Their Affair..

Esme Linde, 23, a new high school teacher in Vermont, is accused of having an affair with one of her students, Noah Beemer, 17. The accusation ends Esme’s nascent career as a teacher and potentially exposes her to prosecution for statutory rape. Noah’s parents have big ambitions for their talented son. Fearing that the controversy will damage his prospects, they pressure Esme to remove herself from his life. Noah has other ideas.

EBook: Amazon Kindle / B&N Nook / Apple iBook / Kobo

Paperback: Amazon


Chapter One

IT IS A TRUTH commonly acknowledged that in every high school there are winners and losers.

No one would dispute that at Woodstock Tudorsville Union High School, Noah Beemer was a winner…

… Read rest of Chapter One


Kirkus Review

A cleverly plotted novel with a fine cast of believable characters.

“…audiences will be thinking about it long afterward.”

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Reader Reviews…

“Insightful Story About Modern Life…”

“Gripping Story…”

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